According to a certain data shared by the Australian government, P-plate driving is by far the riskiest period in a driver's life. A novice driver’s risk of crashing increases 20 to 30 times as soon as they pass their driving test and remains extremely high for the first six months. Thus, the authorities have designed a scheme for learns to get access to a free driving lesson from local driving schools – an initiative that will undoubtedly help young people avoid high risk situations on roads.
To help reduce the crash risk for a P1 licence holder, the instructors at Monarch Driving School highly recommend redeeming their free lesson under the governments' Keys2Drive program before sitting their driving test. How? Well, let's find out.
Introduction to the Keys2drive program
For those not aware, the Keys2drive program is a government-funded initiative helping young drivers/ P1 licence holders a free driving lesson from a government accredited driving school in Hornsby.
Keys2drive fosters the relationship between the learner driver and their parent/supervisor under the guidance of a Keys2drive accredited driving instructor, through a free lesson funded by the Australian Government. It is the single largest national learner driver safety program ever undertaken in Australia. The program has been developed by the Australian Automobile Association (AAA) and its members; NRMA, RACV, RACQ, RAC(WA), RAA(SA), RACT and AANT.
How does Keys2Drive work?
P1 license holders typically fixate on passing the test, and while modern driving tests were initially designed to assess a learners' ability to drive safely on their own, learners seem keen on getting their driver's licence, but not focus on acquiring safe solo driving behaviours. This is what the Keys2drive program is designed to address.
During the free lesson, the Keys2drive accredited driving instructor uses a ‘train-the-trainer’ approach to introduce the supervisor and the learner driver to a new learning method called Find Your Own Way (FYOW).
FYOW assists supervisors to guide learner drivers to practise longer, with lots of variation (eg. distractions such as music or additional people in the car, and night or wet weather conditions) and to actively learn by self assessing and self reflecting and become P plate ready.
So, if you want to be confident behind the wheel and learn safe driving skills, we’d urge you to connect with a reliable and safe driving school in Hornsby. Simply typing ‘driving lessons near me’ would get you professional and Keys2drive accredited driving schools in your area. Connect and enrol with one that seems legit, has positive reviews online, and can prepare you for the eventual driving test in Hornsby.

Choosing the best driving school: Why it makes sense?
The Keys2drive program and the free driving lesson at accredited driving schools are tailored to lower the risk of accidents among emerging drivers, and expose them to varying high risk situations in controlled settings. This helps the students’ ace different driving skills.
There are quite a few situations which are known to be riskier for upcoming drivers, such as people holding P1 and P2 licenses. Professional driving instructors help them address most such risks and careful decision-making during their lessons.
P1 and P2 licence holders are far more likely to be involved in a crash when driving at night. A free lesson under the Keys2drive program would help novice drivers make better decisions while driving at night and fathom on-road issues in advance. It will further help them in understanding other high-risk situations and avoid them.

Steps to Book your Free Driving Lesson
Register for the Keys2Drive program before 17th March 2023. To register for your free lesson you'll need:
Learner's licence number
Valid email address
Mobile phone
Supervisor's name
Supervisor's mobile
Supervisor's email
After the successfull registration, you will receive a free lesson ID via text from Keys2Drive.
Call us or text us with your free lesson ID & we will verify it for you. You can also search for other accredited driving schools near you on the Keys2Drive website.
Once the verification is successful (takes less than 1 minute), we will book the free lesson as per your, your supervisor & the instructor's availability. We will need to book this lesson before 31st March 2023.
You will receive a reminder message a day before to remind you to bring your supervisor and logbook to the driving lesson.

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Key takeaway
The Keys2drive program is a great initiative at no cost to the drivers. At Monarch Driving School, our experienced and accredited instructors make driving fun for all and help amateurs take control of their own learning. Being one of the best driving school in Hornsby, our curriculum is designed to help you self-assess and figure out where you’re going wrong. Our instructors develop complex scenarios for learners to tackle and create a comfortable driving environment where the learner makes their own decisions during the lessons. The driving lesson includes a practical demonstration and tips & techniques for supervisors to teach effectively at home. Contact us for more information & best guidance for your driving lesson journey.